Flo Components Ltd.




Customer Satisfaction Survey – Installations & On-Site Service Call

Thank you for selecting FLO Components Ltd. as your key supplier for your system installation or on-site service. We trust our performance met your expectations. One of our objectives is to “Meet Customers’ Needs Better” on an on-going basis. In order to do this, we need your feedback. Your comments and suggestions (either positive or negative) are valued. In fact, we use your feedback to improve and add services and make our processes more customer friendly. We know your time is limited so for your convenience we have designed a web-based survey which can be completed in less than five (5) minutes.

Click here to complete our survey hosted by surveymonkey.com.


Thanking you in advance and looking forward to receiving your feedback, we remain,

Yours very truly,
FLO Components Ltd.


For Equipment Reliability Solutions Go With the FLO

FLO Components Ltd.50 Admiral Blvd., Mississauga, Ontario L5T 2W1, Canada
TOLL FREE 800.668.5458 • MISSISSAUGA 905.671.2355 • WINNIPEG 204.832.3040