Total Lube Solutions - Go With The Flo!

FLO Automatic Greasing System ROI Calculator

Calculate Your Return on investment in 5 easy steps

Complete section 1 (mandatory) as well as any other section. NOTE: PLEASE USE YOUR “TAB” KEY TO TAB THROUGH THE FIELDS to auto-calculate each field, or the results will not calculate correctly. Click the “Calculate” button to get your final result.

1) Cost of Labour to Grease Manually 1 time, daily, 5 days per week

Wheel Loader


(Typical Ontario rate $22/hr)



2) Cost of Lost Production due to Greasing Manually 1 time, daily, 5 days per week.

(e.g. production value of loader in 1 hour - $200)


3) Annual Cost of Failed Components on Machine due to Manually Greasing

(e.g. Bucket pins $1000, bushings $100)

(e.g. 1 failure every 2 years would be 0.5)

(e.g. 2 days to change bucket pins and bushings)




4) Savings with Automatic Greasing System




5) ROI of Automatic Greasing System



Note: ROI calculation is for budgeting purposes only.
Actual cost of system will vary according to installation location and machine requiring system.